Greetings to you, dear friends, family, brothers and sisters!
Today, the desire of my heart is to share sad news with you.
On February 10 at 12:10 am my dear father has gone to be with the Lord.
Dad was home, surrounded by the family. He passed away in his sleep, fully aware of what was going on.
We witnessed an extraordinary phenomennon - transition from earthly life to an eternal life.
God has answered prayers of multitude - dad did not suffer from pain, but went to heaven in peace.
My father was diagnosed with end stage lung cancer in September of 2008. Since then his health has declined rapidly. Until last day he was walking independently, thinking clearly and being a huge inspiration and spiritual support to all of us.
My mom and dad have five children. Two daughters and one son are now married. Two youngest daughters are with mom now. My dad has 8 grandchildren - 3 grand daughters and 5 grandsons.
I am writing to you, first of all, to express my genuine gratitude for the prayers and support our family has received through you. I also would like to ask your favor to continue to pray about my mom - Alla, my brother - Bogdan, sisters - Larisa, Oksana and Arina, especially during the time we are going to be saying "goodbye". Our families need you now more than ever before. May God fulfill your needs as well.
I would like to announce the schedule of the services to follow:
- Thursday, February 12 th, 7:00 pm - Memorial service at "Salvation" Slavic Baptist Church
- Friday, February 13th, 9:00 am - Funeral service at "Salvation" Slavic Baptist Church
Place of burial: Gethsemanie Cemetery
All are cordially invited to the dinner at "Salvation" Church at 3:30 pm following the Cemetery service.
"Salvation" Church address:
10622 8th Street East
Edgewood, WA 98372
church office phone: 253-952-7163
fax: 253-952-7164
Pastor: Sergey P. Marchenko
There has been an overwhelming and encouraging response via email from those that knew Leo and wished to share their condolences with the family.
ReplyDeleteFor the purpose of encouragement and edification, we will post these emails here as a means of glorifying God in the work that he has completed and finished in Leo's Life.
Feel free to post your own comments and thoughts via this virtual vehicle which will enable the legacy of Leo to live on through text and exhortation.
Приветствую вас дорогая сестра в Господе, Мария!
ReplyDeleteЯ получил печальное сообщение и разделяю вместе с вами это
переживание. Но как говорит Священное Писание: " Не хочу же оставить вас, братия, в неведении об умерших,
дабы вы не скорбели, как прочие, не имеющие надежды. Ибо, если мы веруем, что Иисус умер и воскрес,
то и умерших в Иисусе Бог приведет с Ним." 1Фес.4.13-14.
Мария, мы имеем утешение в Господе, что Он верен Своим обетованиям и в небесах для всех
нас уже приготовлен вечный, нетленный дом и главное долгожданная встреча с нашим Небесным Отцом
и Господом Иисусом Христом..
Господь забирает с земли не самых лучших, но приготовленных ко встрече с Ним.
И мы никогда в подобных случаях не говорим "прощай", но до свидания. Потому что верующие никогда
не встречаются и не растоются в последний раз.
Я желаю вам и всем родственникам, ободрения и утешения Господом нашим Иисусом Христом.
Он сказал, что никогда не оставит и не покинет нас. Он создал Церковь и оставил для нас Великое Поручение,
чтобы мы шли по стопам Его. Дай Бог вам сил, упования и крепкой веры, как говорит Священное Писание:
"Поминайте наставников ваших, которые проповедывали вам слово Божие, и, взирая на кончину их жизни,
подражайте вере их". Евр.13,7.
Будьте благословенны.
Maria, spasibo bolshoe za email, prosim vas prinyat nashi iskrennie sobaleznovaniya. Mi budem molitsya za vas i vsu sem'yu.
ReplyDeleteMaria, thank you for your sharing about Leonid’s departure to heaven. It is a great encouragement for me of how a Christian should leave this earth without any fear.
ReplyDeleteYou are all in our prayers. Let God give you strength to pass this valley of sorrow with peace.
May Gods blessing be with you and your family in these hard times. My heart goes out to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteMay God comfort your family during this time and in a future.
ReplyDeleteHe is not only your Heavenly God, yet the Heavenly Father.
He will continue to guide you in your life.
Our condolences to you and your family! I feel really sorry for you. I came back from Latvia less than a month ago. My step-father passed away. It is a time of immense sadness... I will be with you in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeletePlease receive our condolences , May God Be with your family and with you mom and with your brother and sisters as you going through this.
ReplyDeleteНет слов чтобы выразить наше сожаление по поводу скоропостижного ухода из жизни вашего папы. Во время наших встреч с ним он был нам ободрением. Мы всегда вспоминаем многие из его проповедей. Он был для нас примером энтузиазма и бодрого духа. Мы будем продолжать молиться за т. Аллу и за вас (детей) чтобы Господь помог вам в эти тяжелые дни скорби. Пусть утешение Господа и надежда на встречу наполнит ваши сердца «И мир Божий который превыше всякого ума» да пребудет с вами.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful to hear from you even though it is a time of difficulty. I will grieve with you on the death of your father but rejoice in God's mercy as he dealt with cancer. I will be praying for you mom and family during this trying time. Stay in touch. Until I hear from you
again . . .
We cast all our cares on Him,
Dear Bogdan,
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry to hear about your father's passing. Thank you for
your thoughts and about his blog, and I will pray for you and your
during this time.
Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Aaron Devine
My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear of your father's passing but grateful to know that he is present with our Lord Jesus Christ. You honored him well even in your e-mail. Kim and I share you and your family's sorrow and desire to lift up you and your family in prayer.
Christ Is All,
Andrew Callaway
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your father, but glad to know that the Lord answered your prayers in calling your dad back to Himself in such a gracious way.
I'm certain you're thankful for the legacy that has been left to you, and am confident that you will continue it in the power of the Spirit.
Peace from the Prince of Peace,
Dear Bogdan,
ReplyDeleteThank you for letting me know about your father's passing. I am so
for your loss. It is encouraging to read your words describing his
faithfulness to God and his loved ones. You will have wonderful
to share until you are reunited in Christ's very presence someday.
May His grace and peace be yours in abundance during this time of
with celebration.
ReplyDeleteWe will keep you and your family in our prayers. May the Lord guide
you and especially your mom through this difficult time.
Please accept our condolences.
Warmest regards,
Paul & Inga
ReplyDeletei just wanted to say that you and your family are in my prayers, especially these difficult days. i pray that these difficult days God will comfort you and your family, and will fill you with His peace. You and your family are example to me and everybody else, the way you put your trust and your hope and your faith in God alone even through such a difficult trials in your life. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
Dear Bogdan:
ReplyDeleteI was saddened to hear of the death of your father, Leonid Kipko. Although I knew he was ill because you mentioned it on your blog, I was still taken by surprise by his sudden passing.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.
Andriy Kovalchuk
Our Dear friends,
ReplyDeletePlease accept our condolences. We have always been praying about you, and especially now during your grieving, when you will no longer have a dear husband, father, and caring grandfather next to you. This is a very tough time in life, which you have not had to deal with yet. But be reassured that God is going to help you through this.
1 Thes. 4:13-14.
With prayer and love,
Vladimir, Larisa, and all children and grandchildren.
Дорогая Машенька и вся твоя семья! Я приношу искреннее соболезнование по поводу переживаний, которые вы переносите сейчас вместе с мамой и близкими родными, друзьями в вашей утрате.. Пусть Господь укрепит и поддержит вас всех. Наше упование только на Него! Ваш папа, муж, дедушка уже у Господа без болей, скорбей. Эти скорби остались здесь на земле с нами. Но Господь всесилен утешить и помочь в этих переживаниях.
ReplyDeleteПусть Господь благословит всех вас, дорогие!
Игорь и Лена Серпевские.
Дорогая Лариса, добрый вечер! Большое спасибо за сообщение.
ReplyDeleteУ нас чуть позже 9-ти вечера, у вас же именно сейчас идёт траурное служение в честь вашего безвременно ушедшего из жизни папы Лёши...
Пусть душа его в полном покое вознесётся в объятия Небесного Отца Нашего, а земля будет ему пухом! May he rest in perfect peace!
Вашему папе посчастливилось иметь замечательную жену и замечательных детей---с собой он унёс ваши образы! Ему посчастливилось не только поняньчить внуков, но и видеть, как слово Библии доходило до их детских сердец при его непосредственном участии в этом процессе. Это ли не настоящее счастье?!
Его болезнь дала о себе знать лишь в самой последней стадии и потому не длилась долгие изнуряющие годы---и в этом тоже было благословение свыше!
И всё это время был он в окружении любящих и преданных ему людей---прежде всего, всей вашей семьи и вашей большой церковной общины.. И не только в Сиэттле, но и у нас в Пенсаколе! И не только в наших двух городах...Ваши родители много ездили с проповедями в разные штаты и даже в соседнюю с вами Канаду....Уверена,что память о вашем папе будет жива во многих сердцах.
Знаю, как много всем вам пришлось пережить за эти непродолжительные и всё же долгие месяцы болезни вашего папы....Вы сделали всё возможное, отдав ему свою безмерную любовь и создав ему душевный покой на этой земле. Спасибо вам!
Берегите свою драгоценную маму и бабушку ваших детишек! Берегите себя и свои семьи! Будьте сильны духом и всегда и во всём поддерживайте друг друга!
Обнимите маму от меня лично, а я обнимаю вас.
Ваша т.Тоня из Пенсаколы.
we are praying for you and your family so God will give you strength and His fathers love at such a hard time.
ReplyDelete"Our earthly house, a tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heavens." 2 Corinthians 3:15
with love
Lidiya, Arina, Serge Borodin
Kipko Family, I don't have words to express my condolences. Your family has always been the family that people looked up to. To me your family was always an example of how to live our lives being a believer in God, and trusting God in everything. Your family is a blessed family and I am very blessed to have met your family. I will keep you in my prayers through this though time.
ReplyDeleteDima Altukhov